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Winter Weather Awareness

Meteorologist Kari Strenfel |

Winter is officially underway across most of the country, with most National Weather Service offices already holding their annual Winter Weather Awareness weeks. So, we’re all prepared, right? Well, we’re here to help those of you who need some reminders!

Pack your safety kit now!

If you pack these items when you’re not worried about cold conditions, then you’ll have them for when you actually need them! Don’t let yourself get stranded in a snowy 5-car pile-up with no blankets in the car. Gather all the items on this list and pack them in the car now. Check this list for how to prepare an emergency kit for home and work, too! It’s also a great time to make a plan with your family. Also consider adding home monitors to keep your family safe and warm this winter.

Blog Winter Weather Awareness

Refresh your winter driving skills.

Slow down! Wet roads can often be ice-y roads or hard-to-see black ice. Also, give yourself extra room between you and the car ahead. And never drive when you feel unsafe or uncomfortable with the conditions. If you ever get stuck during a storm, stay in your vehicle and follow these tips to stay visible for emergency responders.

Always check your NWS forecast!

These are the pros; they know the weather conditions better than any app or online weather source. Your local NWS weather forecasters know the regional weather conditions better than anyone, so trust them to alert you when dangerous conditions are on the way. They are the best weather forecasters for your area! Also tune-up on the Winter Weather Lingo.

Blog Winter Weather Awareness
Blog Winter Weather Awareness

Share and Discuss!

Keep an eye on your AcuRite weather station to monitor the low temperatures and strong winds. This will give you an idea of the wind chill and help you understand when dangerous conditions are developing so you know when to stay indoors! Share your lowest recorded wind chill values in the comments below!

Blog Winter Weather Awareness

For more winter-weather related articles, visit Prepare Your Home for Freezing Temperatures, Why to Watch Indoor Humidity in the Winter, and tips for keeping an eye on your house before you Head South for the Winter.